I hope they have or will work that out.) and I also have a question about what your guide said about Ruth. either way they suck, and u might want to include them. Glitch not repeated on subsequent trials.įrom: Bobby Fellin (immortal_cries) (msn) (com) Sent: Monday, J7:53 PM Body: I have some updates as to bugs that u may have missed or maybe found unimportant. During final escape, environmental format wall catches player despite taking shortest path. Reloading the game on subsequent trials did not incur this glitch.

Temple of Hydra gong constantly operating out of sync with enemy respawns, necessitating a lengthy kill-session to re-sync gong effect with enemy mind control effect. Enemies do not patrol and remain on constant alert after prison escape. Glitch not repeated on subsequent trials. Enemy clipped through bolted door leading down to Captain's Quarters and save point, incurring death of vital NPC. This has occured with Mister Faididi, leading him to criticize this game as another interactive abortion just like Silent Hill 3 on Hard/Hard. Pedastel holding red gem will unmask and allow player to pass through while attempting to solve puzzle, resulting in massive sanity failure and/or player death. Cargo lift doors do not open during shoggoth attack even if buttons are pressed, resulting in player death.
In my case, this was caused by not having unbolted the double door in the generator room. Investigate bucket track control a second time to bypass.įrom: void (ildjarn) (gmail) (com) Sent: Friday, Novem4:44 AM Body: In the "Repairing the Bucket Track" part of your guide, you mentioned the bucket bug and suggested that revisiting the generator will fix it. Ore buckets on bucket track inaccessible. btw, the pedestal i mentioned that froze in place only did it cause i pushed it the wrong direction. im in the house of dagon, so alls well about the rest of what i typed. mybe was a one time thing on your game or somethin. he got out, ran to the car.said ruth died (he crys a little, lol) and then i get in, he drives off but gets shot, car tips, and i moved on to the next level. Unknown solve.įrom: Bobby Fellin (immortal_cries) (msn) (com) Sent: Friday, J8:46 PM Body: ok, i got that. Death of Ruth NPC prevents stage from clearing (dead game). I don't want someone else to make the same mistake I did, so if you could, please help me to warn the world of this evil thing. It was the first glitch in the whole game I encountered and it took me by suprise, which is why I saved by mistake. Anyway, just wanted you to know about that bug so that you may include it in your walkthrough.
(Thank god it was early in the game) My only idea about fixing the bug would be to reload your game from the previous save point before you free him. I was an idiot and saved across the street after this glitch occured and was forced to restart my game from the very beginning. I went out and actually killed every enemy on the street around the jail, and could still hear him complaining that: "We need to get out'a here, Jack, Hurry up!". and he just stands there! He won't move at all, but he'll speak as if he is. When you go to rescue the man from the jail, Brian Burnham, you open the door. Unknown solve, possibly linked to mis-timed photograph use or next- door drunk dialogue (when Burnham talks of the drunk) but could be anything because Headfirst Productions programmed this game.įrom: Ridley (kopaka240) (yahoo) Sent: Tue 6/24/08 8:26 PM Body: There was a bug I encountered a while ago.

Brian Burnham freezes / refuses to move when cell door is opened. Save game corruption once files are copied from Xbox hard drive to memory card then to another hard drive. No method to remove temporary save game except through Xbox UI (User Interface).

Continue function invalid or loads the incorrect file. The latest versions of the document, associated media and errata will always be first available at .īugs - The Basics Of All Bethesda/Headfirst Games This file may not be published by any online property that is owned by, has affiliation with, is a partner to, or participated in any content sharing transaction (written, verbal, or otherwise) with CBS Corporation.