In the first film, there is a flashback scene of the day that Voldemort entered the Potters’ home, and a cloaked Voldemort was played by actor Richard Bremmer. Though, most recently, you may have seen him as M in the Daniel Craig James Bond movies. Twilight 4 Source: fanfiction I immediately took out my note parchment and quill For The Feels Fighting.

The memory/diary/horcrux can learn and gain knowledge past it’s own time. The actor first appeared as the character in the fourth film, The Goblet of Fire. And after that, Fiennes reprised his role in the fifth film The Order of the Phoenix, as well as the last two films from book seven, The Deathly Hallows Parts I and II. The British actor has been in the business for quite a long time. Harry potter fanfiction harry hyperventilating. Answer (1 of 8): The diary initially only contains the memory of the first 16 years of Riddle’s life, but the diaries’ memory, and more importantly the piece of soul placed in there, is sentient. If you’re wondering who plays Voldemort in his most iconic look, that would be actor Ralph Fiennes. There are multiple people who’ve played the roles in the Harry Potter films! Hero Fiennes-Tiffin has been cast as Tom Riddle, Age. The main Dark Lord character has been famously played by Ralph Fiennes since the first film came out almost two decades ago. So, you might be wondering who plays the powerful wizard Lord Voldemort? Well, the answer isn’t simply one actor. Jessie Cave beat over 7000 girls to win the role of Lavender Brown, Rons love-interest from the book. And we would come to recognize the pale, noseless figure as the iconic villain in the Harry Potter franchise. Playing the ethereal apparition of a 16-year old Tom Riddle, Coulson made a considerable impression as the mysterious brooding teenager despite already being in his mid-twenties while filming Harry Potter. But in the following films, as he regained his strength, the dark wizard finally let himself be known to the world.

With the villain being teased on screen, we got one of our first small glimpses of the Dark Lord when he appeared in the first film - albeit, on the back of Professor Quirrell’s head.