A permanent +2 (or is it +3?) Backpack, a hat and bandana with modifiers, etc. If you do all of the logins, you get a special version of each. Kel-Tec’s new RDB (Rifle, Downward-ejecting Bullpup) and M43 share the same platform the former is the tactical variant while the latter has an old school look. Every week gives you a variant of the basics, +1 backpack, hat, bandana, etc. Make sure you log into the July anniversary event! It usually requires you to log in at least 6 days a week to qualify. The quick knives (tracker) are the best knives.

Sniper Rifle are only good for long range. Submachine guns and shotguns are only good for shorter ranges. Don't just spend money (especially real cash) in a weapon because it "looks cool".Īssault rifles are good for a medium to long engagement range. Try out as many as possible, whether you purchase them or take one of the floor. Use land mines, RPGs, extra grenades, grenade launchers, etc. If your engaged, without cover, with another player, don't reload! Swap to another weapon or your handgun.Įxplosives kill the infected in Quarantine more the fastest. No sense in playing if your not having fun. Although just playing and having fun is the best way, in my opinion, to rank up quickly. Grinding Fireteam missions brings a lot of cash and ranks you up fairly quickly. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong). Once again, it may have changed since I've last played, but it was roughly $10 for a permanent handgun, $15 for a shotgun, $20 - $25 for assault rifles and machine guns, and $30 for a Sniper Rifle. Otherwise buying a perm with NX is you best choice. It might be changed now, but I know holiday sales usually brought permanent GP weapons. So ye there is more to the same such as CW strats, Clans, map peeks, communication, peoples movement, gun recoil, etc. Bullets: Stun(not actual stun just slows) and damage (more damage! :D) precision: makes while scoped in ez to aim.īackpack: get the 2slot backpack that has no negative speed. Silencers: s1 NX version (gold one) is only worth since it makes the gun -15% recoil.

#New combat arms mods#
Weapon mods: so nexon added these OP mods to guns about 6 months ago. Then ontop of these you can buy "mods" that give you even more speed! (the good ones cost NX lmao gg nexon). Speed gear: You are gnna need speedgear to actually be good (get to certain places at a certain time in a map due to speed.) The normal setup for speed gear is: Cyclopes (7% speed) facemask (3% speed) and a recon vest (15% speed). For GP i would reccomend: m416 CQB, USP, m9, HBD, p90tr/fmg, tango. A good NX setup (imo) is: CQB Camo, USP Tac, Hollowen sickle, HBD, P90 TRSE, Andromalius. I could wright this in with the setup one but w.e. Spend your coupons wisely! When you get the certain ranks you get a coupon (one is for NX that you can redeem and the other is for 50% any single item. Imo best game modes to get exp is quar/fire team and during exp events (like what is going on atm) hunted his pretty good. generally a good setup costs money to get but you can get an alright setup for only GP.Įxp: Nexon has really nerfed the EXP/GP rates pretty hard making it more hard then earlier.

Understand maps that are played alot (mostly oil rig which imo is the most played map )